Required Courses: (9 credits)
Students must take all of the following:
- LIN 3010 Introduction to Linguistics
- LIN 3201 Sounds of Human Language (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 3460 Structure of Human Language (Prereq: LIN 3010)
Elective Courses: (24 credits)
- At least 5 courses (15 credits) must be in LIN or TSL
- Up to 3 courses (9 hours) may be from Linguistics courses in other departments
- Up to 2 courses (6 hours) may be Linguistically-related courses OR 2 consecutive semesters of non-Romance, non-Germanic language
Linguistics Courses (LIN or TSL):
General Linguistics
- LIN 4205 Phonetics (Prereq: LIN 3010, 3201)
- LIN 4320 Phonology (Prereq: LIN 3010, 3201)
- LIN 4400 Morphology (Prereq: LIN 3010, 3460)
- LIN 4500 Syntax (Prereq: LIN 3460)
- LIN 4803 Semantics (Prereq: LIN 3010, 3460)
- LIN 4820: Meaning and Use (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4850 Formal Semantics (Prereq: LIN 4803 and PHI2100) or PHI 3130
- LIN 4701 Psycholinguistics (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4702C Methods of Psycholinguistics (Prereq: LIN 4701 and STA 2023, or Instructor’s permission)
- LIN 4790 Brain and Language (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 3677 World Englishes (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4600 Sociolinguistics (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4656 Gender and Language (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4784 Writing Systems
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
- LIN 3680 Modern English Structure (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4721 Second Language Acquisition (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- TSL 3360 Introduction to TESL
- TSL 3378 Pronunciation for TESL (Prereq: LIN 3010)
Corpus/Computational Linguistics
- LIN 4071: Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
- LIN 4136: Introduction to Data-Driven Learning
- LIN 4770C: Introduction to Computational Linguistics (Prereq: LIN 3010)
Language Documentation
- LIN 4760: Field Methods (Prereqs: LIN 3201 and LIN 3460)
- LIN 4761C: Methods in Language Documentation (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4005: Statistics for Linguists (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4124: Historical Linguistics (Prereq: LIN 3010)
- LIN 4930: Special Topics in Linguistics (Limited to three [3] courses!)
- LIN 4905: Individual Studies
- LIN 4970: Senior Thesis
Linguistics Courses in Other Departments
- ARA 4850: Structure of Standard Arabic (LLC)
- ARA 4852 Arabic Sociolinguistics (LLC)
- CHI 4850 Structure of Chinese (LLC )
- COM 4706 Language and Power (Dial Center for Speech and Communication Studies)
- FRE 4780 Introduction to French Phonetics and Phonology (LLC)
- FRE 4882: Sociolinguistics of French (LLC)
- FRE 4850: Introduction to the Structure of French (LLC)
- GEW 4930 Seminar in Germanic Languages and Literatures (LLC, with LIN approval)
- HAT 3700 Introduction to Haitian Creole Linguistics (LLC)
- JPN 3730 Language in Japanese Society (LLC)
- JPN 4850 Structure of Japanese (LLC)
- RUS 4700 Structure of Russian (LLC)
- SPN 4780 Spanish Phonetics (SPS)
- SPN 4822 Introduction to Sociolinguistics of Spain and Spanish America (SPS)
- SPN 4830 Introduction to Spanish and Spanish American Dialectology (SPS)
- SPN 4840 Introduction to the History of the Spanish Language (SPS)
- SPN 4850 Structure of Spanish (SPS)
- SPN 4930 Special Topics in Spanish Language and Linguistics (SPS, with LIN approval)
- SSA 3730 Language in African Society (LLC)
Linguistics-related Courses
- ANT 3620 Language and Culture (Anthropology)
- DEP 3053 Developmental Psychology (PSY)
- DEP 4163 Cognitive Development (PSY)
- DEP 4930 Psychology of Language Development (PSY)
- EXP 3604 Cognitive Psychology (PSY)
- PHI 4220 Philosophy of Language (Philosophy)
- SPA 3002 Survey of Communication Disorders (CSD)
- SPA 3011 Speech Acoustics (CSD)
- SPA 3032 Fundamentals of Hearing (CSD)
- SPA 4004 Language Development (CSD)
- SPA 4104 Neural Basis of Communication (CSD)
- SPA 4402 Language Development and Disorders (CSD)
- SPC 3331 Nonverbal Communication (CSD)
- SPC 4425 Small Group Communication (W&O)
- SPC 4710 Patterns of Intercultural Communication (W&O)
Two semesters of Non-Romance, Non-Germanic Language
Two consecutive semesters of a non-Romance, non-Germanic language. Options include: Akan, American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, Vietnamese, Xhosa, or Yoruba
To graduate cum laude, a student must have a 3.5 overall junior/senior-level average. Students who wish to graduate with high honors (magna cum laude) or highest honors (summa cum laude) must, in addition to having the required upper level GPA, (1) have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher; (2) enroll in LIN 4905, Individual Study, and (3) subsequently complete a senior thesis in LIN 4970 Senior Thesis. The senior thesis must be submitted and approved prior to graduation. Postbaccalaureate students are not eligible to receive honors recognition.
- Honors Thesis Guidelines
- Application for LIN 4970 Senior Thesis
- Application for LIN 4905 Independent Study
- Honors Thesis Submission Form
- You can also view general UF Honors guidelines here: UF Honors Research Information (opens in new tab)
- Composition (GE) 3 credits
Foreign Language* 4-5 credits
Logic or Mathematics (GE)** 3 credits
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE) 3 credits
Total 13-14 credits
- Foreign language 3-5
Biological Science (GE) 3
Humanities (GE) 3
Electives 4-7
Total 15-16 - Logic or Mathematics (GE)* 3
Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
Physical Sciences (GE) 3
Science laboratory (GE-P or B) 1
Electives (or foreign language if 4-3-3 option) 6
Total 16 - Composition (GE) 3
Biological Sciences (GE) 3
Social ands Behavioral Sciences (GE) 3
Electives (LIN 3010, if possible) 6
Total 15 - LIN 3010 Intro to Ling (GE-H) 3
One Linguistics or linguistic-related course 3000-level 3
Electives 9
Total 15 - Pick two out of the following three: LIN 3201 Sounds of Human Language; LIN 3460 Structure of Human Language; LIN course 3000-level or above Total 6
Humanities (GE) 3
Physical Science (GE) 3
Electives 3
Total 15 - One linguistic course (3000 or above) 3
Two linguistics courses (4000 level) 6
Electives 6
Total 15
- Three linguistic courses (4000 level) 9
Electives 6
Total 15
* A non-western language is recommended.
** Logic is recommended (PHI 2100 Logic or PHI 3130 Symbolic Logic). Note, however, that 3 of the 6 credits of required mathematics must be taken from the Mathematics department.