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Graduate Spotlight: Nathan Campbell

With graduation slowly approaching, we are spotlighting our amazing graduating Linguistics majors each day. For our first spotlight, we are highlighting Nathan Campbell. Nathan is from Jacksonville, Florida and has been in the Linguistics department since his first semester at UF in Fall of 2018. Continue reading below to learn more about him and his experiences in our department.

1. What’s next for you after graduation?
Next year I will be teaching English abroad somewhere, either in Ecuador with the Peace Corps or in Spain with NALCAP.

2. What is your biggest achievement as an undergraduate?
My biggest achievement as an undergrad has been my honors thesis project, for which I had to hone a bunch of different skills (conducting interviews, data analysis, academic writing, and more).

3. What will you miss most about the UF Linguistics?
Linguistics classes were always so interesting, even when they weren’t my main interests, so I will definitely miss learning fun, new things about human language.

4. What advice would you give junior Linguistics majors?
My biggest advice is to reach out to your professors. They’re really not that scary. Reaching out is how you can get in involved in research, discover your niche in linguistics, get a personalized letter of recommendation, and make some friends. Also join the Undergraduate Linguistics Society!