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New Paper by Yihan Chen and Eleonora Rossi Published

Congratulations to recent graduate Dr. Yihan Chen and Professor Eleonora Rossi on the recent publication of their article titled, “Sub-Lexical Processing of Chinese–English Bilinguals: An ERP Analysis” in the latest issue of Brain Sciences. Click the link here to see the article. The abstract is also below. Way to go Drs. Chen and Rossi!

“Previous research has established that bilinguals automatically activate lexical items in both of their languages in a nonselectivemanner, even when processing linguistic information in the second language (L2) alone. However, whether this co-activation extends to the sub-lexical level remains debated. In this study, we investigate whether bilinguals access sub-lexical information while processing in their L2. Thirty-two Chinese–English bilinguals and thirty-one English monolinguals completed an EEG-based semantic relatedness task, during which they judged whether pairs of English words were related in meaning or not (±S). Unbeknownst to the participants, the form (±F) of the Chinese translations in half of the pairs shared a sub-lexical semantic radical. This leads to four conditions: +S+F, +S−F, −S+F, and −S−F. This design, along with the comparison to English monolinguals, allows us to examine if bilinguals’ native language is activated at the sub-lexical level when they are exposed only to L2. The results revealed that both groups showed sensitivity to semantic relatedness, as evidenced by a greater N400 for semantic unrelated pairs than related pairs, with monolinguals eliciting a more pronounced difference. Bilinguals, on the other hand, exhibited a greater P200 difference compared to monolinguals, indicating greater sensitivity to the hidden Chinese radical/form manipulation. These results suggest that highly proficient bilinguals automatically engage in lexical co-activation of their native language during L2 processing. Crucially, this co-activation extends to the sub-lexical semantic radical level.”