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New Paper by Dr Broadwell Published

Congratulations to  Dr George Aaron Broadwell and his coauthor Alejandra Dubcovsky (of University of California–Riverside) for their recent publication: Dubcovsky, A., & Broadwell, G.A. (2023). “Anohebasisiro Nimanibota / We Want to Talk to the Honored One”: Timucua Language and its Uses, Silences, and Protests. Native American and Indigenous Studies 10(2), 69-100. doi:10.1353/nai.2023.a904183.  

New Papers by Zoey Liu Published

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Zoey Liu and her co-authors (including our own Stefanie Wulff) on the publication of several papers in several highly-prestigious conference proceedings and Linguistics journals. Citations and links for all of them are below. Way to go Dr. Liu! Liu, Z.,  Spence, J., and Prud’Hommeaux, E. (2023). Investigating data partitioning strategies for […]

New Co-authored Paper By Delin Deng, Fenqi Wang, and Ratree Wayland Published

Congratulations to PhD students Delin Deng and Fenqi Wang and Professor Ratree Wayland for the publication of their newest article, titled, “The pitch contour of the French discourse marker donc: A corpus-based study using generalized additive mixed modeling, published in Journal of French Language Studies. The abstract is below and the link to the article […]