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UF Linguists win Language Documentation Funding

Associate Professor James Essegbey received a “Small Grant” from the Endangered Languages Documentation Program (ELDP) to document linguistic practices relating to fishing among the Dwang communities south of the Volta Lake in Ghana. Linguistics graduate student Bryan Gelles received a “Small Grant” from the Endangered Languages Documentation Program (ELDP) to begin documentation and to establish the feasibility of a […]

Linguists Frank Seidel and James Essegbey (Languages, Literatures & Cultures) receive NEH Documenting Endangered Languages grant to study Baga language of West Africa

Frank Seidel and co-PI James Essegbey of the department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures will create a dictionary of Baga Mandori, a Niger-Congo language spoken in the Basse-Cote region of Guinea-Conakry, West Africa. Baga Mandori is one of seven Baga languages, all of which are under-documented. The project will result in a dictionary, a grammatical […]

Laurence Anthony of Waseda University gives talk and workshop on Corpus Linguistics, August 15, 2013, 215 Dauer Hall

Professor Anthony is a Professor of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. He will be giving a talk entitled “From Morphology to Semantics to the Big Bang Theory: Application of Corpus Tools and Techniques in Applied Linguistics Research” in Dauer 215 at 10am, August 15, 2013. He will then lead […]

Training Workshop for Multi-modal Language Documentation, March 16-17, 2013, 302 Pugh Hall

This is the second annual training workshop on multi-modal language documentation for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, led by Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur, Program Director, Endangered Languages Documentation Program, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. It is organized by the Linguistics Department, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and Center for African Studies, University of Florida.