IDS2935 | Linguistic Prejudice | Caroline Wiltshere | Syllabus |
LIN 1140 | Language and Emotion | Eleonora Rossi | Syllabus |
LIN 2004 | Languages of the World | Sarah Moeller | Syllabus |
LIN 3010 (Online) | Introduction to Linguistics | Jamie Garner | Syllabus |
LIN 3010 (In-person) | Introduction to Linguistics | Allen Shamsi | Syllabus |
LIN 3201 | Sounds of Human Language | Ratree Wayland | Syllabus |
LIN 3460 | Structure of Human Language | Nathan Dwyer | Syllabus |
LIN 3680 | Modern English Structure | Paula Golombek | Syllabus |
LIN 4136 | Data-Driven Learning | Stefanie Wulff | Syllabus |
LIN 4205 | Fundamental Phonetics | Ratree Wayland | Syllabus |
LIN 4320 | Introduction to Phonology
| Caroline Wiltshire | Syllabus |
LIN 4500 | Introduction to Syntax | Marcin Dadan | Syllabus |
LIN 4600 | Survey of Sociolinguistics | Fiona McLaughlin | Syllabus |
LIN4702C | Methods of Psycholinguistics | Edith Kaan | Syllabus |
LIN 4721 | Second Language Acquisition | Jamie Garner | Syllabus |
LIN 4761 | Methods in Language Documentation | James Essegbey & Sarah Moeller | Syllabus |
LIN 4790 | Brain and Language | Edith Kaan | Syllabus |
LIN 4803 | Introduction to Semantics | Galia Hatav | Syllabus |
LIN 4930 | Black Englishes | James Essegbey | Syllabus |
LIN 4930 | Ecolinguistics | Fiona McLaughlin | Syllabus |
LIN 4930 | Modeling Linguistic Processes | Alayo Tripp | Syllabus |
LIN 4930 | Programming for Linguists | Zoey Liu | Syllabus |
LIN 4930 | Structure of Algonquian | Marcin Dadan | Syllabus |
LIN 4930 | Tense & Aspect | Galia Hatav | Syllabus |
TSL 3360 | Introduction to TESL | Grace deMeurisse | Syllabus |
TSL 3378 | Pronunciation for TESL | Paula Golombek | Syllabus |
TSL 4940 | TESL Internship | Jamie Garner | Syllabus |