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Linguistics Fall 2021 Syllabi – Undergraduate

IDS 2935Linguistic Prejudice Caroline WiltshireSyllabus
LIN 2004Languages of the WorldSarah MoellerSyllabus
LIN 2614Language in the USAKhari ClemmonsSyllabus
LIN 3010 Introduction to LinguisticsJamie GarnerSyllabus
LIN 3010Introduction to LinguisticsRaphael IyamuSyllabus
LIN 3201Sounds of Human LanguageRatree WaylandSyllabus
LIN 3460Structure of Human LanguageCaleb EwingSyllabus
LIN 3680 Modern English StructurePaula GolombekSyllabus
LIN 4071Introduction to Corpus LinguisticsSteffi WulffSyllabus
LIN 4205Fundamental Phonetics Ratree WaylandSyllabus
LIN 4320Introduction to PhonologyCaroline WiltshireSyllabus
LIN 4500Introduction to SyntaxBrent HendersonSyllabus
LIN 4600Survey of SociolinguisticsFiona McLaughlinSyllabus
LIN 4721Second Language Acquisition Theresa AntesSyllabus
LIN 4790Brain and LanguageMegan NakamuraSyllabus
LIN 4803Introduction to SemanticsGalia HatavSyllabus
LIN 4930Mood and ModalityGalia HatavSyllabus
LIN 4930Structure of ArabicYoussef HaddadSyllabus
LIN 4930Programming for LinguisticsSarah MoellerSyllabus
LIN 4930Language in African SocietyFiona McLaughlinSyllabus
LIN 4930Language in Japanese SocietyAnn WehmeyerSyllabus
TSL 3360Introduction to TESLSamantha CreelSyllabus
TSL 3378Pronunciation for TESLPaula GolombekSyllabus
TSL 4940TESL InternshipJamie GarnerSyllabus