University of Florida Homepage



NameContact Information
burukinaBurukina, Irina
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., Eötvös Loránd University
Syntax, argument structure, clausal subordination, language documentation, Mayan languages, Uralic languages
Office: 4017 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7452
garnerGarner, Jamie
Pronouns: she/her
Undergrad Coordinator

Ph.D., Georgia State University
Phraseology, learner corpus research, data-driven learning, and second language acquisition
Office: 4121 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7460
paulaGolombek, Paula
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Teacher professional development in L2 teacher education, the knowledge-base of L2 teacher education, and second language pedagogy
Office: 4131F Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7459
hatavHatav, Galia
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., Tel Aviv University
Conditional semantics and Biblical Hebrew
Office: 4129 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7452
hendersonHenderson, Brent
Pronouns: he/him
Department Chair

Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Syntactic theory, case and agreement, and language documentation with a focus on Bantu languages
Office: 4125 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7454
Schedule a Meeting
kaanKaan, Edith
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., University of Groningen, Netherlands
Language processing and the brain, looking at native speakers as well as second-language learners
Office: 4127 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7453
liuLiu, Zoey
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Computational Linguistics, Multilingual Natural Language Processing, Variation/Generalization
Office: 4016 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7457
fiona McLaughlin, Fiona

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
African languages, phonology, morphology, and sociolinguistics
Office: 305 Pugh
Phone: (352) 392-4829
sarah Moeller, Sarah

Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder
natural language processing, language documentation, morphosyntax, indigenous languages of the former Soviet Union
Office: 4017 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7449
rossiRossi, Eleonora
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., University of Groningen, Netherlands
Psycholinguistics, bilingualism, the cognitive and neural effects of second language acquisition, and how those processes might change across the life span
Office: 4107 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7458
trippTripp, Alayo
Pronouns: they/them

Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park
Social cognition, phonology, sociophonetics, developmental psycholinguistics
Office: 4108 Turlington
Phone: (352) 392-0639
waylandWayland, Ratree
Pronouns: she/her
Associate Department Chair

Ph.D., Cornell University
Phonetics, including sociophonetics, L2 speech learning, and the use of speech as biomarkers for neuromotor degenerative diseases
Office: 4131E Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7450
wiltshireWiltshire, Caroline
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., University of Chicago
Phonological theory, second language acquisition, and Dravidian, Tibeto-Burman, and Indian English phonology and phonetics
Office: 4123 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7448
wulffWulff, Stefanie
Pronouns: she/her
Graduate Coordinator

Ph.D., University of Bremen
Variation in native and learner language, student writing, and second language acquisition
Office: 4131D Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7455

Affiliated Faculty

NameContact Information
aaronAaron, Jessi

Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Sociolinguistics, language variation and change, grammaticalization, and language contact
Office: 152 Dauer
Phone: (352) 392-2017
antesAntes, Theresa
Pronouns: she/her/ella

Ph.D., Cornell
Second language acquisition, pedagogy, and French linguistics
Office: 212 Dauer
Phone: (352) 273-3767
Blondeau, Helene

Ph.D., Montreal
Language variation and change as well as language contact and bilingualism
Office: 259 Dauer
Phone: (352) 273-3766
broadwellBroadwell, George Aaron
Pronouns: he/him

Native American languages (Choctaw, Creek, Timucua, Zapotec, Triqui), language documentation, syntax, historical linguistics.
Office: B364 Turlington
Phone: (352) 294-7598
butlerButler, Emily Rine
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Conversation analysis, intercultural pragmatics, the discursive construction of identity, classroom discourse, and the intersection of language, ideology, and power
Office: 412 Rolfs
Phone: (352) 273-2743
essegbeyEssegbey, James

Ph.D., Leiden University
Descriptive, documentary and theoretical linguistics, especially in the domain of syntax, semantics and pragmatics; contact linguistics; language and culture
Office: 342 Pugh
Phone: (352) 846-2431
julesGliesche, Jules

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Germanic philology & dialectology, cross-cultural communication, and developing websites & web-based teaching materials
Office: 315 Yon
Phone: (352) 392-3286
haddadHaddad, Youssef
Pronouns: he/him

Ph.D., University of Florida
Syntactic theory, pragmatics, and the syntax-pragmatics interface
Office: 357 Pugh
Phone: (352) 273-2958
Hebblethwaite Hebblethwaite, Benjamin

Ph.D., Indiana University
Syntax, code-switching, bilingualism, Creole studies, morphology, sociolinguistics and historical linguistics
Office: 363 Dauer
Phone: (352) 273-3762
lordLord, Gillian
Pronouns: she/ella

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Spanish linguistics, second language acquisition, acquisition of phonetics and phonology, and pedagogy
Office: 170 Dauer
Phone: (352) 273-3749
marullMarull, Crystal

Ph.D., Rutgers University
Intersection of cognition and second language acquisition and online teaching pedagogies
Office: 251 Dauer
Phone: (352) 273-3789
Pascual y CaboPascual Cabo, Diego

Ph.D., University of Florida
Heritage speaker bilingualism, Heritage language education, Spanish in the US
Office: 160 Dauer
Phone: (352) 392-2016
phamPham, Andrea Hoa

Ph.D., University of Toronto
Vietnamese phonology, gender and language, and sound change
Office: 343 Pugh
Phone: (352) 392-7084
Suarez-PalmaSuárez-Palma, Imanol
Pronouns: he/él

Ph.D., University of Arizona
Spanish morphosyntax, argument and event structure, Romance 'se', comparative syntax, syntactic theory, language acquisition
Office: 157 Dauer
Phone: (352) 294-6399
Valdés KroffValdés Kroff, Jorge
Pronouns: he/him/él

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Psycholinguistics, especially sentence processing in bilingual and second language speakers; Spanish-English code-switching; Spanish heritage speakers.
Office: 246 Dauer
Phone: (352) 273-3744
Wehmeyer, Ann
Pronouns: she/her

Ph.D., University of Michigan
History of Japanese native linguistics tradition, Japanese mimetics, regional varieties of Japanese, translation studies, writing systems.
Office: 320 Pugh
Phone: (352) 273-2961

Faculty Emeritus

NameContact Information
Boxer, Diana

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Discourse analysis and pragmatics, gender and language, critical discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics
Chu, Chauncey C.

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Functionalism and discourse
Der-Houssikian, Haig

Ph.D., University of Texas in Austin
Morphology, Swahili and Bantu linguistics, and the sociology of language in Africa
Potsdam, Eric
Pronouns: he/him

Ph.D., University of California at Santa Cruz
Syntactic theory and Austronesian languages, particularly Malagasy and Polynesian languages
Thompson, Roger

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Language contact, second language acquisition, computer assisted instruction, TESL, and interaction and English structure
Wyatt-Brown, Anne M.

Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University


NameContact Information
kelliGranade, KelliOffice: 4131 Turlington Hall
Phone: (352) 294-7446

In Memoriam

Hardman, M.J.

Ph.D., Stanford University
language and cultures, field methods, Jaqi Languages, languages and gender, and language and violence
Casagrande , Jean

Ph.D., Indiana University
History of linguistics, the grammar and structure of French, and French written and transcribed codes and their interface
Miller, D. Gary

Ph.D., Harvard University
Morphological theory; the syntactic history of Latin, Romance, and English; nonfinite structures; and etymology