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Jordan Mackenzie wins award in UFIC Global Culture Photo Contest

November 17, 2015
Jordan Mackenzie’s photo Mashambani Mwa Mwani/In the Seaweed Fields placed 3rd in the University of Florida International Center’s Global Culture Photo Contest. The photo can be seen ...

Linguistics Ph.D Zoe Ziliak Michel named ACLS Public Fellow

June 6, 2015
Zoe Ziliak Michel, a University of Florida Ph.D. in linguistics, has been named a 2015 American Council of Learned Societies Public Fellow. Michel joins a cohort ...

Nick Feroce receives best paper award for undergraduate research

March 20, 2015
Senior Nicholas Feroce ( won a best paper award for h is UF undergraduate research paper “Predictive processing in semantically constrained sentences”. He is mentored ...

Jordan Mackenzie awarded FLAS fellowship to study Swahili

March 20, 2015
Congratulations to MA student Jordan Mackenzie for receiving a FLAS fellowship to study Swahili during the 2015-2016 academic year! Read more "Jordan Mackenzie awarded FLAS fellowship ...

First volume of Florida Linguistics Papers published online

October 17, 2014
Florida Linguistics Papers is a publication of the University of Florida Linguistics Department. It is an open-access forum for a range of scholarly publishing including ...

UF Linguist Diana Boxer discusses the origin and use of “thug”

February 26, 2014
UF Linguist Diana Boxer discusses the origin and use of thug in recent events, with WJCT news Read more "UF Linguist Diana Boxer discusses the origin and ...

UF Linguists win Language Documentation Funding

January 1, 2014
Associate Professor James Essegbey received a “Small Grant” from the Endangered Languages Documentation Program (ELDP) to document linguistic practices relating to fishing among the Dwang communities south of the ...

Linguists Frank Seidel and James Essegbey (Languages, Literatures & Cultures) receive NEH Documenting Endangered Languages grant to study Baga language of West Africa

January 1, 2014
Frank Seidel and co-PI James Essegbey of the department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures will create a dictionary of Baga Mandori, a Niger-Congo language spoken ...

Laurence Anthony of Waseda University gives talk and workshop on Corpus Linguistics, August 15, 2013, 215 Dauer Hall

January 1, 2014
Professor Anthony is a Professor of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. He will be giving a talk entitled “From ...

Training Workshop for Multi-modal Language Documentation, March 16-17, 2013, 302 Pugh Hall

January 1, 2014
This is the second annual training workshop on multi-modal language documentation for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, led by Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur, Program Director, Endangered Languages Documentation ...

2020 Graduate Spotlight