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Linguistics Spring 2014 syllabi

Name of Course
LIN2000 004B Souad Kheder Language: Humanities Perspective
LIN2000 1700 Souad Kheder Language: Humanities Perspective
LIN3010 004E Christopher Sheard Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 004G Christopher Sheard Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 0074 Wind Cowles
Robert Deacon
Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 0078 Wind Cowles
Robert Deacon
Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 0315 Wind Cowles
Robert Deacon
Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 0394 Luke Breland
Wind Cowles
Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 172G Bryan Gelles Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 6156 Luke Breland
Wind Cowles
Intro to Linguistics
LIN3010 8415 Luke Breland
Wind Cowles
Intro to Linguistics
LIN3201 173C Caroline Wiltshire Sounds of Human Language
LIN3460 18AB George Collins Structure of Human Language
LIN3680 13ED Christine Voigt Modern English Structure
LIN4400 2877 Brent Henderson Introduction to Morphology
LIN4600 2514 Diana Boxer Survey of Sociolinguistics
LIN4701 3760 Wind Cowles Psycholinguistics
LIN4784 098H Ann Wehmeyer Writing Systems
LIN4820 1A09 Galia Hatav Meaning and Use/Intro to Formal Pragmatics
LIN4850 06CC Galia Hatav Formal Semantics/Semantics II
LIN4930 0398 Jules Gliesche Introduction to Historical Linguistics
LIN4930 0913 Todd Hughes Methods of Language Documentation
LIN4930 105F Fiona McLaughlin The Languages of Africa
LIN4930 18B5 Stefanie Wulff Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
TSL3360 11B2 Hee Im Introduction to TESL
TSL3360 2890 Hee Im Introduction to TESL
TSL4940 4238 Paula Golombek TESL Internship