Name of Course
LIN2000 | 004B | Sarah Howard | Language: Humanities Perspective |
LIN2000 | 2310 | Souad Kheder | Language: Humanities Perspective |
LIN2000 | 2348 | Souad Kheder | Language: Humanities Perspective |
LIN3010 | 004E | William Sheard | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 004G | William Sheard | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 0074 | Jason Rothman | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 0078 | Jason Rothman | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 0315 | Jason Rothman | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 0394 | Jason Rothman | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 6156 | Jason Rothman | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3010 | 8415 | Jason Rothman | Intro to Linguistics |
LIN3201 | 005E | James Harnsberger | Sounds of Human Language |
LIN3460 | 5369 | Dong-yi Lin | Structure of Human Language |
LIN3680 | DEPT | Stefanie Wulff | Modern English Structure |
LIN4400 | 2877 | Brent Henderson | Introduction to Morphology |
LIN4600 | 2514 | Diana Boxer | Survey of Sociolinguistics |
LIN4701 | 3760 | Shuang Lu | Psycholinguistics |
LIN4702C | 097D | Wind Cowles | Methods of Psycholinguistics |
LIN4721 | 0346 | Theresa Antes | Second Language Acquisition |
LIN4784 | 098H | Ann Wehmeyer | Writing Systems |
LIN4820 | 1A09 | Galia Hatav | Meaning and Use |
LIN4850 | 06CC | Galia Hatav | Formal Semantics |
LIN4930 | 0398 | Jules Gliesche | Old English and Close Relatives |
LIN4930 | 0913 | James Essegbey | Methods of Language Documentation |
LIN4930 | 105F | Frank Seidel | The Languages of Africa |
TSL3360 | 11B2 | Hee Im | Introduction to TESL |
TSL3360 | 2890 | Hee Im | Introduction to TESL |
TSL4940 | DEPT | Paula Golombek | TESL Internship |